Sunday, May 3, 2009

Today is the first day actually on the diet. I dont even want to call it a Diet because I dont want to think of that.

I am so relieved I do not have to stuff my face anymore. And to my suprise I woke up this morning and had lost weight!!! I was 206.8 yesterday, and this morning I was 205.8!! How do you loose weight when you are eating everything in site? Not to mention the most fatty foods you could get your hands on.

I already have drank 3 glasses of water, had my first shake. That was ok. It is chocholate flavor. I am missing my daily cup of coffee I always have in the morning. I can have it but I can not have any milk, or sugar. I am waiting until I go back to the DR to get some sweetner, then I will try to have it without milk. That will take some getting use to.

I will try to write some more tonight to let you know how my first day went. I am excided!!

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