Saturday, May 2, 2009

I am ready for a new me.

I have finally decided to do it!! I will loose weight, I will be happy with myself. Steve is in Iraq and there is no better time to do it than now. Thursday, 3 days ago, I went to the HCG weight loss clinic. I have tried everything there is known to man aside from surgery. I have even thought of that. I just finished 6 months of phentermine. It worked for maye the first 3 months. Then like everything else my body became immune to it.
I recieved my first HCG shot on Thursday. I am suppose to be gorging myself in food, the higher the fat the better. You do this for the first 2 to 3 days. I chose to do it for 2.5 days due to getting the shot on Thursday and I not due to go back until Friday for my next shot. I have been eating everything Pizza, ice cream, donughts. I am so stuffed I can hardly move. I feel disgusting!!! Tomorrow is my first day on the actual "diet" I cant waite. I know now why they have you engorge in food because by the time you are ready to start you dont want to even look at food. My weight today is 206. I was 201 on Thursday when I weighed in at the DR. I would say I have eaten just about everything these past couple of days.

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